Wednesday, 3 December 2014


This morning I made myself take my camera out on the school run. I've got loads of ideas I want to share with you guys but the thing that keeps stopping me is getting good photos. You wouldn't think this would be a problem for someone who once did a photography course (well a year of one) and photographed a wedding a few years back! In fact that's how I came to have my camera, a Nikon D40X. I got in a major tiz a couple of days before I was shooting the wedding about my crappy camera not being up to the job and my fab husband (then boyfriend) turned up at my work the next day with a new camera for me. Cute.

And I've figured out why I have such a fear of the damn thing now. If I don't take any photos then they can't be bad right? I've pretty much forgotten most of what I learnt and what I did learn was mainly about developing film. I think one of my biggest obstacles is learning how to edit them properly. I mean I don't even know where to start.

Soo this challenge is perfect for me. I'm going to make myself take photos - every single day, for a whole year to be exact! Surely this way with a butt load of practice things will only get better and by the end of this challenge my pictures will be all pretty and whatnot. Sorted.

So I'm putting myself out there, this is what I got. All bare and naked and unedited.

I'm already looking forward to sharing with you what I capture over the next week.
Do you have any tips for me? I'd be super grateful x

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